This article will cover 10 tips that you can use to optimise your SEO content. These are some of the best ways to get better rankings on Google, and stay ahead of your competitors! Check out this list below for more information.


SEO Content Tips

1. Use keywords in titles

Search engines will rank your page higher if it contains relevant keywords in the title. This is one of the most important things to do if you want a good ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). Make sure that you include at least three or four words in the title so that it won’t be cut off when displayed on SERPs.

For example, “How To Optimise Your SEO Content” would be an appropriate title for this blog post!

2. Use keywords in the first sentence

Another way to include keywords in your content is to use them in the first sentence. This will help to let Google know that your page is about that topic, and it will rank you higher as a result. You can also sprinkle keywords throughout the article, but make sure not to overdo it or it will sound unnatural.

3. Research relevant keywords

Keyword Research for SEOBefore you start writing your content, you need to do some research on relevant keywords. This involves using keyword research tools such as Google AdWords Keyword Planner, ahrefs and semrush . Once you have found a few good candidates, make sure to include them in your content where it makes sense.

​4. Optimise images

Images can also help to improve your SEO ranking, as long as they are properly optimised. This means adding keywords to the file name and filling out the alternate text field with a brief description of the image. You should also resize your images so that they are not too large, as this can slow down your page loading time.

5. Use subheadings

When you’re writing a blog post or any other type of content, it’s important to use subheadings to break up the text and make it easier to read. This is also beneficial for SEO, as search engines will see the headings as separate chunks of text and rank you higher as a result.

6. Try to keep it under 2000 words

While there is no magic number for the perfect word count, most experts recommend keeping your content between 500-2000 words long. This makes it easier to read on mobile devices without scrolling too much but still gives enough detail so that people can learn from them. Surfer SEO can help give you an ideal amount to be in line with your competitors.

7. Use LSI keywords

In order to make sure that search engines know what your page is about, try using some Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keywords . These are similar concepts or synonyms within a document, which will help Google understand what you mean by certain phrases. You should sprinkle these around freely throughout your post, and also include them in the title and meta description.

​8. Optimise your page for speed

Another important factor that affects your SEO ranking is page loading time. If your page takes too long to load, people will be less likely to stick around and read it. You can optimize your pages for speed by using compression tools such as gzip and minifying code. You should also reduce the number of requests made to the server, and use a content delivery network (CDN).

9. Add social sharing buttons

Website OptimisationFinally, another way to improve your SEO ranking is by adding social sharing buttons to your content. This will help you get shares on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms, which will in turn boost your ranking. You can use free plugins such as AddThis to add these buttons to your pages.

10. Don’t forget to check for spelling and grammatical errors

Last but not least, it’s important that your content is readable. If you have many typos or other mistakes in it, people will be less likely to share your posts on social media platforms due to the negative association with low-quality content. To avoid this problem, use Grammarly or a similar tool to help you check for errors.

11. Have a strong call to action

A good way to improve your SEO ranking is by having a strong call to action at the end of your posts. This will encourage readers to click on the links in your bio and visit your website, which is another way of improving SEO. You can also add a link back to this post at the end so that people know where they got it from!

12. Make sure you’re not duplicating content

One thing that search engines look for when ranking your site is whether you are duplicating content. This means that if you have copied and pasted something onto your page, the search engines will think that there’s no point in ranking it at all. To avoid this problem, always make sure to manually write out each article on your blog so that every piece of text has a unique URL.

SEO Content FAQs

Do I need to include a meta description in my content?

While it’s no longer required by Google, you should still add a meta description if possible. This is because they often show up in search results and explain what your page is about without requiring the user to click through. You can also use this space for some LSI keywords that relate to your post for extra relevance.

How do I find good keywords?

There are several tools out there such as SEMrush and ahrefs which allow you to quickly find relevant keywords. Make sure not just look at their monthly global searches though – many of them might be very hard or expensive to rank for due to competition!

Try instead using these tools with “competition” selected so that you only see keywords with low competition.

What’s the ideal word count for SEO content?

500-2000 words is a good ballpark, but you could go up to 5000 if it’s really necessary. Just make sure that you’re not adding filler just to hit a certain number – the most important thing is providing valuable and interesting information. Surfer SEO can help give you an ideal amount to be in line with your competitors.

How often should I be publishing new content?

This varies depending on your industry and target audience, but generally speaking, you should aim to publish at least once a week. If you can’t think of anything new to write about, try doing some keyword research or looking at other people’s content for inspiration.

Should I use keywords in my images?

Yes! You can add the file name and alternate text field to describe the image, and also include them in your alt tags. The more keywords you can cram into these places, the better!

How often should I be sharing my content?

Link BuildingOnce a day is usually enough – if people see it too much they’ll get sick of seeing it so try not to overdo it. If possible though, aim for at least two or three times per week. This will ensure that each piece of new content gets some attention and helps keep your brand top-of-mind with regular updates.

What tools do you recommend using to optimise SEO content?

Personally, we like Yoast’s free WordPress plugin which has lots of great features such as meta descriptions and category optimisation. We also use paid tools, mainly ahrefs, SEMrush and Surfer SEO.

How important is keyword density when optimising SEO content?

This can vary based on industry regulations surrounding fairness, but generally speaking most search engines penalise overly spammy pages with low-quality content. Try to aim for around 0.75-0.85% keyword density, but make sure that the keywords are included naturally in your text – don’t force them in! Surfer SEO can help give you an ideal amount to be in line with your competitors.

What is the best way to increase traffic through SEO?

This can be a difficult question to answer as it depends on many factors such as website age, competition, and even luck!

A good place to start is by ensuring that all of your content is high quality and useful, then doing some targeted keyword research to find the right ones to target.

You should also make sure you’re using social media effectively to share your content with a wider audience. Finally, get involved in online communities and blogs where your target market hangs out – this can help generate links.

We Offer SEO Keyword Research Services Nationwide

Summing Up

SEO is an important part of any online marketing strategy, and by following these tips you can help ensure that your content ranks as high as possible.

Remember to focus on quality over quantity, and to use a variety of methods such as keywords, social media, and link building to get the most out of your SEO efforts. Good luck!